While Abroad

You’ve arrived on site!  Now is the time to learn in and out of the classroom, and to get to know and learn from your host environment and its residents. 

Registering for Classes

  1. Make sure you understand the credit system of your host institution or organization to ensure you are registered as a full-time Beloit student (the equivalent of 3 units). You may register for a maximum of 5 Beloit units.
    • 1 unit of Beloit College credit = 4 semester hour credits at most U.S. institutions. If your institution has a conversion chart to U.S. credit, use this as a guideline to determine your credit at Beloit.
    • Most European institutions use ECTS (European Credit Transfer System), which converts as follows:
      7 - 8 ECTS 4 US Semester Hrs 1 Beloit Unit
      5 - 6 ECTS 3 US Semester Hrs 0.75 Beloit Unit
      3 - 4 ECTS 2 US Semester Hrs 0.5 Beloit Unit
      1 - 2 ECTS 1 US Semester Hr 0.25 Beloit Unit
    • Students studying through ISEP may look up their institutions in the ISEP transcript evaluation guide.
    • If you have questions, please speak to an advisor before you depart. Make sure you understand how your courses abroad will transfer to Beloit.
  2. Consult with your faculty advisor at Beloit College if your original course selection needs to change.  You want to make sure that you will still be on track for meeting requirements toward your degree.
  3. Make sure you maintain a full course load, which is the equivalent of between 3 Beloit units (12 credit hours) and 5 Beloit units (20 credit hours) each semester . Some institutions have their own minimum requirements; you must follow your host institution’s policy and Beloit’s policy. 
  4. Students who are studying abroad may register for Beloit-based courses that relate directly to their study abroad experience (e.g. PRAX 209 Global Experience in Action) but not for other Beloit courses or Special Projects unrelated to their study abroad experience. The Global Experience Office must approve registration for all Beloit-based courses.

Managing Emergencies

Local Program

Contact an on-site university/program staff member and/or your local Emergency Services.

Beloit College & Guardians

After handling the situation initially, please contact Beloit College and your guardian:

When calling or emailing about an emergency

  • Identify yourself and your location
  • State that you are calling about an emergency
  • Provide a phone number and/or email address where you can be reached and when
  • Provide information about the emergency: who, what, when, where and how
  • If the emergency involves someone else, provide contact information for that person

Contacting an Embassy or Consulate in an Emergency

To contact the Office of Overseas Citizens Services in the U.S. call 1-888-407-4747 (during business hours) or 202-647-5225 (after hours).

Incident reporting

If an incident (robbery, mugging, burglary, accident, attack) occurs, report it to studyabroad@hrfjk.com. Provide as much information as possible as to who, what, where, when, and how.

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